The 31st International Dynamics & Evolution of Human Viruses conference will be held June 19-22, 2024 at the Executive Suites Hotel & Resort in Squamish, BC, Canada. This will be a hybrid meeting, which will include a live in person meeting and a virtual option. Scientific sessions will be June 20-22, 2024. The conference gala dinner will be held on the evening of Thursday 20th at the Sea to Sky Gondola; this is included in registration.
Due to limited space at this venue and overwhelming interest in the meeting this year, we are limiting gala attendance to 100 people and must prioritize participants in the program — we cannot accommodate guests at this time. If space becomes available, guests may attend for a fee to be determined at a later date.

This meeting series was designed to promote discussion between specialists in quantitative and computational approaches in two areas in the field of virology where these are particularly important:
- Modeling of viral and cellular dynamics
- Viral evolution and population genetics
Many of these approaches were originally developed for HIV but are now applied to many viruses where extensive data are available. We encourage the submission of abstracts relating to work on HIV, SARS-CoV-2 and other human viruses. We consider topics on statistical, mathematical, computational, and integrative approaches to analyzing the dynamics and evolution of human viruses within the scope of this meeting.
We actively encourage participation of researchers from around the globe, including junior scientists and members of minority groups. A limited number of travel grants may be available for attendees from underserved populations - see Registration for details.