May 6 – 9, 2025
Abbaye de Royaumont, Asnières-sur-Oise, France
Europe/Paris timezone


The fee for this live program includes registration and workshop materials, accommodations for 3 nights and all meals.  All amounts are in US dollars.

Registration feesOn or before 3/15/2025On or after 3/16/2025
Registration & Single Accommodation per person$1,350$1,450
Registration & Double Accommodation per person$950$1,050
Registration only with all meals$600$700
Virtual Options:  
Industry & Professors - Virtual Registration$250 
Postdoctoral Fellow - Virtual Registration$150 
Student - Virtual Registration$95 

Note: Registration is handled by an external website (i.e. not within Indico). This is necessary because UC San Diego has a contract with this service provider.  It is the same provider that Dynamics has used in past years, so it should be familiar to regular participants.   

Payment Accepted: Checks, Credit Card, Wire or UC Recharge only

Checks must be in US dollars, drawn on a US bank and made payable to UC REGENTS.

Paying by check?  Please mail to: 

UC San Diego School of Medicine                    
Continuing Medical Education                    
9500 Gilman Drive, MC0947                    
La Jolla, CA 92093-0947

Check payments: Must be mailed by April 15, 2025 to ensure we get payment prior to start of program.

Wire transfers: If you plan on processing a wire transfer to cover your registration fees, please email our CME Administrator, Carissa Aguayo at, directly to start the process.

Special Needs: Advance notice of special needs and/or dietary restrictions is requested at least two (2) weeks prior to the activity start date.  Contact Maureen Helinski Clarke at to submit your request.

Cancellation Policy

The full course tuition is refundable, less $75 if your cancellation is received in writing, on or before April 22, 2025.  No refunds will be allowed after this date.

In the unlikely event that the course is canceled, the conference organizers are responsible only for a full refund of the registration fee.

For further information please contact us at 

Travel Grants

A limited number of travel grants may be available for young investigators from underserved populations to attend this program.  If you wish to be considered, please e-mail Maureen Helinski at a letter of request no later than DATE TBD.  Include details on your present role, and why you should be considered for an award.  Please note that in order to receive a travel grant, you must submit an abstract and have it accepted.

Contact us

UC San Diego School of Medicine                  
Continuing Professional Development                  
9500 Gilman Drive, MC0947                  
La Jolla, CA 92093-0947                  
Phone: (858) 534-3940 or (888) 229-6263                  
Fax: (858) 534-1896